About Sauce'n Apparel

Sauce'n Apparel

About Sauce'n Apparel

Why Sauce'n Apparel?

A sauce is usually used to add flavor to a dish. To enhance its taste, add a kick or even just make that dish much more appealing to the eye. However, it must fulfill when it's consumed. If a sauce can be powerful enough to change the taste of a meal, imagine what us humans can do to our own enviornment if we believed a little more in who we are and what our authenticity has to offer ? We are, at times, too focused on being like others when we ourselves were created with just the right gifts to live our own life in our own special way. We are here to add our own flavor to whatever we do in life by simply being the best version of our true selves.

The reason why I named my brand Sauce'n Apparel was because I have always felt that we are constantly influenced by society and social media. If you think about it, the majority of the time, what we see on social media isnt even real. We have never really allowed ourselves to sit and reflect on who we are meant to become. Growing up I was always compared to my older sister and don't get me wrong, I admire her persona, her drive and all her hard work. I would say it's an honor to be compared to her. But when I was younger I never really felt good enough because again, we were two different individuals. I was expected to follow in her footsteps but her passion wasn't my passion and all I would do was dim my qualities to try and obtain hers. I couldn't seem to find the answer to genuine fulfillment. After running away from my true self for such a long time I learned that only I had the secret to unlock my unique identity. I learned to accept, to love and to value myself because I knew no one will ever bring the exact same sauce I bring to the table. So now, I Live Up To My Own Authenticity and it has been one of the most empowering and liberating decisions I have ever made. I hope you do too. Choose yourself. With Love, Always.

- Kassandra Carrillo